About Us


“The ministry where All come and Feel at Home and the Gospel is Preached without compromise “

Our Mission

Evangelism, Teaching, Preaching, Church Planting, Training people for kingdom purposes 

What We Do

Our History

Macedonia Baptist Church has a very glorious and wonderful missionary ministry. It all started in 2002 when the Lord revealed to Brother Bobby Keita, who was a children’s minister. In this revelation, we went into every county in Liberia to plant a Church. At that time, we had no understanding of the revelation, so we left it as it was

Now we give God Almighty the glory for the great things He has done. This revelation started to unfold in 2013 when the Lord spoke through his servant prophet Junior M. Kerkulah, who is a true prophet of God. He directed us to specific counties,  cities, communities, and individuals to plant these churches. We were told to go to Gbarnga City, Bong County, central Liberia to a community called Sugar Hill, at the blue house, and ask for a lady called Kpana.  In April 2013, the Lord selected a three-man missionary team headed by Rev Roberts,  to go on this journey. 

In August 2013, the team moved to Gbarnga, Bong County, and began their search. They visited the Sugar Hill Community and saw everything as they were told by the Prophet. They met Sis. Kpana , who later give them a  place to construct a temporary worship center. Later, it was learned that the husband of Sis Kpana once told her that “one day a church will be planted on this land.” 
In 2021, after seven years of delay due to the Ebola and coronavirus outbreaks, pastor Roberts was again instructed by the Lord through his prophet to go to Lofa County, located in northern-western Liberia to a town called Zorzor. A three-man team was again chosen to make this journey. The team was instructed by the Lord through his servant to ask for a woman name Mother Kokulo, that she should give a place for the team to build a church for him. This instruction was not very fruitful due to the death of the woman before the team’s arrival. Note this; God is never short of a plan. He directed the team where the Land was located, but He (God) did not want it anymore. This was due to the corruption of the Land by the woman’s children. They sold one plot of land to more than one person thereby causing confusion among buyers. 
In August of 2022, the Lord again instructed His servant to move to Ganta City Nimba County, in northern Liberia to plant a church. The Lord selected a three-member team with his servant to make this journey.
This is Ganta’s missionary story. In 2005 the Lord revealed to the Church through his prophet that a Church would be planted in Ganta City at the gate before entering the city, and that the place is owned by the Sayegon family. We were in a complete dilemma; for no one knew the family, nor the Land’s exact location.
In 2020, September, Mohammed Koroma a Tailor who is also a member of the Church traveled to Bong County in central Liberia for a tailoring contract when he returned, he came with a young man in his early twenties who was a Jehovah’s Witness, but decided to attend our church. In 2021 September he was asked to join the mission field in Zorzor to help with the work there. In February of 2022, after the mid-day prayer service, the Lord give him a word to give the Land that his father left for him in Ganta to the Church, he then told Rev. Roberts of what the Lord had told him, Rev. Roberts then asked him “where is the Land located and what is your full name”. 
He stated that the land is located at the gate in Ganta, and his full name is Prince Sayegon, 
thereby fulfilling the word of God that came in 2005. At present the missionary team is conducting bible study at the site of the Land and also hosting a worship service at their place of residence.
The Lord revealed seven Churches to be planted in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea respectively. At present, there are three churches already planted, and four are yet to be; 
They are; 
(A). Karn plays Church_northern Liberia
(B). River Gee Church_ Eastern Liberia
(C). Conakry  Church–Guinea
(D). Freetown  Church–Sierra Leone.
By God’s Grace, this will be done Amen! Amen! 

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